Lyrics By K8

Home | Spiraling Lyrics

All lyrics on this site were transcribed by me, personally.  (Meaning that I sat down and listened to each song over and over, trying my best to understand everything that was said).
I absolutely love music and have the utmost respect for any band who's lyrics I post.  I transcribe their lyrics because I think the artists are very talented and I want people to be able to enjoy the songs as much as I do.  And if you are like me, it helps to see the lyrics while hearing them, instead of just hearing them and being expected to understand.
I do not have explicit permission to be posting these lyrics, so if any of the artists should happen to stumble accross this website and have a problem with me wanting to spread news of your talents, let me know and I will unpublish them.  But really, you should just be happy to know that you have fans who listen to your work repeatedly.  And fans who want you to have more fans.  Personally, I just got tired of googling for lyrics to these songs and not coming up with anything.
I like to think that any band I would deem talented enough to post lyrics to would not be greedy enough to not want their lyrics posted here.
Corrections/Complaints/WhatHaveYou can be sent to

Spiraling Lyrics